Senin, 16 Januari 2012

hello :)

hello :)

my name is Putri Prihantiani. Usually, people called me putri. I'm 20 years old now. my good point are responsible, honest, and trust worthy, and my bad point are lazy, sleepy person :p but i can handle my weakness with my strangeness . I'm a college student of Padjadjaran University, majoring Economic Development Study.
honestly, the reason why i made this blog is I'm going to join blog competition which held by EECCHI :D
yeah, because I'm interested with environmental problems.

in my campus, I'm being a head of social responsibility division, The Student Association of Economics and Business (HIMA ESP), Padjadjaran University. I'm so proud of being that, because a lot of fun there. its the second time I'm being of that, the first one as a staff on 2010 until 2011. now, social responsibility divided in two parts, the first one is humanity, and the second one is environment. there are 7 projects under both of them. the fourth one in humanity, there are espeduli, esp care all around, social day and espiras. And the third one in environment, there are national economic green festival, esp for environment, and green esp.

The reason why i accepted this position, cause we can spread the happiness to the other, we can help each other. its not only caring about humanity, but also about environment. maybe, the simple words to describe us is delegation from our majoring who concern about humanity and environment. 

The satisfaction that we got when the project was running succeeded  is double happiness. the first one is because our job has finished , and the second one is we could made other person happy. i think, the true definition of happiness is not only on yourself, but its about how you made other person smile and laugh. and i got it in here, in Social Responsibility Division, that's why i really love my job

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